Navdanya needs your help in building climate resilience for our farmers in these urgent times.

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From Seeds of Suicide to Seeds of Hope

For over 35 years, Navdanya has stood with the widows of farmers in Vidarbha, India—women who lost their husbands to suicide brought on by a devastating cycle of debt and financial despair caused by their adoption of GMO Bt cotton seeds. In response, Gardens of Hope was born, transforming grief into resilience through community-led kitchen gardens. What began as a small Navdanya initiative has now flourished into over 500 thriving Gardens of Hope.

By growing their own poison-free organic crops, these farmers ensure nutritious meals for their families, reduce dependency on industrialized agriculture, and generate income through surplus produce. Many of these women are now community leaders of seed and food sovereignty and mentors in sustainable, climate-resilient farming amidst growing environmental challenges. Through these gardens, women reclaim their futures—one harvest at a time.

Your donation helps sustain Navdaya's Gardens of Hope in Vidarbha and beyond, ensuring that Indian women farmers continue reclaiming dignity, independence, and a pathway to self-sufficiency. Your support helps farmers gain access to organic seeds, regenerative farming training, and community seed banks.

Join us in sowing seeds of hope—your support creates lasting change.

Navdanya needs your help. Your support will enable Navdanya to increase the capacity of its seed banks to produce, store and distribute climate-resilient seeds more rapidly in light of the increased demand from farmers who have to plant seeds two or three times during a growing season in these now environmentally uncertain times. Your support enables Navdanya to reach more farmers and others with information about how biodiverse farming and traditional ways of seed saving and food production (that have fed generations of people) are key to building resilience against extreme changes in weather and climate. Please consider donating today.

Navdanya works primarily on a community-based approach so that a cadre of neighboring farmers shares knowledge about how to farm organically and save and reproduce climate-resilient seeds in community seed banks. As India experiences climate emergencies, Navdanya farmers can turn to each other locally, regionally, or even nationally for support and help in dealing with floods and droughts. Sometimes farmers have had to replant their fields two or three times in a growing season. They have been able to do so because of the collective effort and expertise that resides in the community network of farmers and their seed bank operations. During good times, Navdanya’s farmers, including those who are very poor, have been able to sell their surplus as the demand for healthy, organic produce is growing within India. Whatever their economic status, Navdanya’s farmers know that they must save something to reinvest in their farms, that they must save some seed to invest in the next growing season. Their example and success inspire their neighbors to train with Navdanya and join its growing network of farmers. Your support is an important investment in expanding this farmer network that is creating a better future for farmers, their families, and communities.

WHY DONATE? Your support enables Navdanya to restore farms and bring seeds, the source of life, to communities across India.  Help us build climate-change resilience!

TO DONATE BY CHECK: Please make checks payable to “Friends of Navdanya.” Mail to: Friends of Navdanya, 67 Pine Street. Florence, MA 01062.

TO DONATE BY WIRE TRANSFER: Please email us at

Friends of Navdanya is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 charitable organization. Contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law and may be made by check or credit card or wire transfer.

Make a Donation by Credit Card Today.